Monday, December 15, 2008

Interntaional Night and Christmas Party for Kids


Monday, December 15, 2008
Here are some photos taken this past weekend on Friday and Saturday evenings. Friday was International Night. Some of the students from various countries "strutted" their stuff as they sang and danced outside under the covered volleyball court. On Saturday afternoon we had a "play day", basically a Christmas fun time where the children created cards, and made other, "crafty" items.
Two of our staff members helping students to create art masterpieces.
Kris with one of her students.

Hab, one of our Egyptian staff members, and his family.

Fun times at the Christmas Card factory.

One of my students--from India.

I don't know who she is, or where she is from....she is just darn cute!!

A Korean student of mine and her mother.

Two of my students--from India and Egypt.

Kris and one of her students--from India.

Three Indian students

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