Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008-Alexandria

Day After Thanksgiving- A Walk Along the Pier
Two Young Ladies on the Pier

Fishermen off to the Side of Pier

More Fisher-Dudes

Fisherman and Tall Buildings

Lots of Salty Water

Another View of the City

Looking Towards the Old Part of Town in the West

More Salty Sea Spray

Along the Corniche

One of the multitude of wild cats----digging through a pile of trash

Schutz Street--Kris is just behind horsecart that has passed her

Schutz Street--Fruit Vendor and Kris

Schutz Street-Fruit Vendor and Pomegranates

Schutz Street-Looking Toward the School in Background

A Fine Display of Local Produce--Egyptian Oranges in Front

Trash, Trash, Trash----Everywhere!!

Colorful Horsecart

Another View of Horsecart

Puller of Horsecart

Typical View of Alex Sidestree-Very Narrow

Kris' Newest Hairstylist---$1.50 to get your hair cut

One of Hundreds of Yellow Alex Cabs--Russian Lada Car

Another of the Wild Cats

Side Street That Runs Along Schutz School

Friday Morning--Post-Thanksgiving Breakfast in Dining Room

Noah-the son of two of our teachers-one of two children living here(the other is a newborn)

Time to Hang Out the Laundry

Noah and Toy Gun--Thanksgiving Evening

Three of the Fabulous Schutz Cooks!!!

Seham---The Head of the Cooking Crew

The Cooking Crew and a Big Pile of Turkey!!!

Two of the Cooks

On Thursday, November 27th, the staff of the Schutz School were treated to a delicious Thanksgiving meal prepared for them by the fabulous school cooking crew. I snapped some pics of the cooks along with their boss, Seham. She is in a couple of the photos.
The rest of the photos were taken today, Friday, November 28, as Krs and I went for a walk around the school neighborhood and then, later, I went for a solo stroll to the sea to see what I could see. It's takes about 15 minutes to get to the Corniche, the walkway/street which hugs the Med.

1 comment:

Collins Family said...

It looks beautiful along the coast. Happy Thanksgiving to you & your family!

Jim, Chrystal, & Lauryn Collins