Monday, January 4, 2010

Mike and Kris in Cyprus
January 5, 2010

Kris and I spent Christmas and New Year's Day in Cyprus...Here are some photos of our time there.

Sunset over the Med

Big Blob of Butter Goin' Down

Ah-----Juicy Cypriot Fruit

Banana Avenue

Yes, they have some bananas

A bum on the road
This is what happens to teeth when you don't brush your teeth

Miss Kris out for walk


Chubby Little Fellow

Rocks and Water
Distant Hills With Retirement Homes for Rich Brits
Sea Smiles
Limestone-------I think!!!!!
Memorial to Loved Ones Next to the Sea
Another View of the Memorial
Little Tweety Bird on our Hotel Ledge
Kris Looking for Bran Flakes in our Hotel Apartment Kitchen
Cottony Burnt Orange Sunset Over the Med
Same Thing pretty
5th Century Church Excavation
Another View of the Excavation
Inside of chapel??????
St. George Slaying the Dragon
Island Next to an Island
St. George Church---St. George, Cyprus
Kris Looking at Bus Schedule
Will it Rain?
Back of Hotel